The Fallen Feathers Blog and Boutique:

Inspiring courage and beauty for the wounded at heart.


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Our story...

"Two sparrows sell for a coin of small value, do they not?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father's knowledge...  So have no fear; you are worth more than many sparrows."  -Matthew 10: 29, 31

In a world obsessed with the superficial, the value of the seemingly ordinary may appear worthless, even insignificant.  In my daily walks I find feathers fallen to the ground.  I pick them up, hold them, treasure these weightless gifts, for they remind me of the fragility of life.  They remind me of my own fragility, and the fragility of others.  But more than that... the fallen feathers that grace our pathways may remind us to look within ourselves, to look up, and be reminded of our value.   It takes courage to find our worth, but it is there.  As one who has been wounded, and copes with feelings of worthlessness, It is with great responsibility that I embark to share courage and beauty with others through my blog .  It is my hope that you will find a shared connection of vulnerability as a safe haven.  May you always feel that here.
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